Dear Trainers, Teachers, Coaches and Professors, want to ?

Stand unique in market
Stand unique in market
Give your participants new learning adventure
Be a result oriented partner for your clients
Result oriented partner

BrainGenie’s Internationally acclaimed Movement Oriented Training (MOT)™ program will do the magic for you.

Why MOT™ Is Unique?

MOT (Movement Oriented Training)™ is a new revolutionary delivery method for Trainers /teachers. The unique feature of MOT™ is that the learning engages both the brain and body for learning. It replaces the traditional classroom method of long hours lectures into experience-based learning.

Why does it work?

MOT™ way of teaching involves the prefrontal cortex (thinking), limbic systems (emotion) and cerebellum (motors systems) of the brain for long term results and benefits. A detailed study has proved that dramatization and physical movements are two powerful tools that trigger neuro-chemicals required for learning and memory.

What benefits?

  • Long term memory retention
  • Address visual, auditor & kinesthetic learners
  • 100% Participation from the audience
About Corporate training
To book your slot for our upcoming MOT™ workshop or to book a MOT™ training for your location/ company,

Click here

Our Achievements

Our concept Movement Oriented Training (MOT)™ bagged 1st prize in International Symposium conducted by Council for Creative Education(CCE), Finland

Hear from us what is MOT

A glimpse at our MOT™ workshop

Feedback from our participants

To book your slot for our upcoming MOT™ workshop or to book a MOT™ training for your location/ company,
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